- A Universal Design with access to all user groups. Design to address the most basic needs of access, ventilation, and natural light with adequate privacy & safety. Safe waste disposal techniques based on site-specific conditions. Easy to maintain including vandal-resistant fittings and fixtures.The complete Security Cabin is built one piece in Fiber Composite. The body is 15 mm and 4 mm thick with Foam sandwiched between two layers of 2.5 mm Fiber layers.
All the corners are in radius. Accessories details as follows,
TOLERANCE,-10% ± FOR ALL DIMENSIONSNOTE: - All Dimensions are approximate.Details of compartment 1 SIZE 4FT X 6FT X 8 FT or 4FT x 6FT x 8FT STRUCTUREM S Frame or StandWALL PANELS4 mm Thick Composite panelsWORK TABLE18 INCHES X 6 FEET L ShapedHANDLES &LOCKSStainless Steel Spring hinges, D Handles, Mortise lock.CABIN DOORASSEMBLYAND WINDOWS870 MM width and 2100 mm Height 15 mm thick,Composite Puffed Door.Windows are Aluminium Sliding WindowMain Window – H 1000mm x 1000Side Windows - H 1000mm x 690And for 4 x 4 x 8Main Window – H 1000mm x 690Side Windows - H 1000mm x 690ROOFCorrugated FRP Sheets moulded to sizeELECTRICFITTING1 No of 20-watt LED Tube lights,1 No of 2 Socket Electrical BoardCOLORAs per customer choice- 1. Light Weight2. Resistance to chemicals and environmental factors3. Low thermal expansion in fiber oriented directions4. High Strength5. High fatigue resistance6. High Intensity7. Easy Handling8. Virtually zero maintenance throughout life.9. Plug and use design
NOTE: - All Dimensions are approximate.
Details of compartment1 SIZE10FT X 20FT X 8 FTSTRUCTURE M S Frame or Stand with PU paintedWALL PANELSFRP 15MM/40MM THICK, 2-SIDEFRP SHEET THICKNESS 1 TO 1.8 MMHANDLES AND LOCKSStainless Steel Spring hinges,D Handles, Mortise lock.CABIN DOOR ASSEMBLY AND WINDOWS870 MM width and 2100 mm Height 32 mm thick,Composite Puffed Door.Windows are Aluminium Sliding3 Side – H 4 FEET X W 4 FEETROOFFRC Sheets moulded to sizeFLOORWaterproof plywood fitted with VinyleELECTRIC FITTING1 No of GM 4 socket Switch Board for computer1 No of GM 2 socket + Control Switch Board2 Nos of LED Tub lights inside the Cabin2 Nos of Fly Lights1 No of Fuse sectionCOLORAs per customer choice(only Structure )- A Universal Design with access to all user groups. Design to address the most basic needs of access, ventilation, and natural light with adequate privacy & safety. Safe waste disposal techniques based on site-specific conditions. Easy to maintain including vandal resistant fittings and fixtures.The complete Security Cabin is built one piece in Fiber Composite. The body is 15 mm and 4 mm thick with Foam sandwiched between two layers of 2.5 mm Fiber layers.
All the corners are in radius. Accessories details are as follows,
Details of compartment1 SIZE4FT X 6FT X 8 FTSTRUCTURE M S Frame Suitably weatherproofed by four coat processWALL PANELS15 mm Thick, Puffed Composite panels (Fibreglass skin and PollyUri thin foam)WORK TABLE18 INCHES X 6 FEET L Shaped Work TableHANDLES AND LOCKSStainless Steel Spring hinges, D Handles,Mortise lock.CABIN DOOR ASSEMBLY870 MM width and 2100 mm Height 32 mmthick, Composite Puffed DoorROOFCorrugated FRP Sheets moulded to sizeELECTRICFITTING2 Nos of 20-watt LED Tube lights,1 Number of 6Inches Exhaust Fan, 1 Number ofwall-mounted aircirculation Fan. 30 Watt External Light.COLOROrange and Sand stone 2 tone coloursTOLERANCE,-10% ± FOR ALL DIMENSIONSNOTE : - All Dimensions are approximate.